Water Pool Filters for to clean your entire swimming pools

3 Reliable Waterpool Filters to Clean Your Entire Pool

Waterpool filters are like strainers to strain all the dirt from pool water.

Install a pool filter and remove all dirt particles, keeping the pool crystal clear.

In this post, you’ll learn what are the three types of waterpool filters to keep your pool clean. Specifically:

  • The definition of a pool filter;
  • Need of a pool filter;
  • 3 types of pool filters to make your pool bacteria-free;
  • The best filter system for your pool.

Want to know the best filtration system for your pool? Keep reading.

What is a pool filter?

A pool filter is an essential element of a pool’s filtration system that takes out wastes and impurities from water. Types of pool filter Three types of filters keep your pool water clean and hygienic. These are:

Sand Filter

Sand filters are the least expensive filters used to filter pool water. These types of filters use sand to remove dirt from pool water.

How does sand filtration work?

The filter tank is filled with filter sand, and then the process of filtration starts whenever it is needed. To start the filtration, set the valve in the filter position. Run the pump to pass water through the pipes and then direct it by the control valve to the top of the filter tank. When you pump the pool water through the filter, dirt particles are seized by the sand bed and filtered out. The filtered water again goes back to the pool through the control valve. This process is continuous and automatic. After a certain period, the accumulated dirt in the filter resists the flow, and the flow slows down. Now the filter needs cleaning.

How do you clean a sand filter?

You need to backwash your sand filter when the pressure gauge reading is more than 8 to 10 psi starting pressure. siliceous

First, turn off your pool pump, and then set the control valve in the backwash position and connect the backwash hose to your draining location.

Turn on the pump, the water flow is now reversed through the filter to the bottom of the tank, and the trapped dirt is out of the waste line.

You need to run the pump for 2-3 minutes or until the backwash water becomes clear. Then turn the pump off again and set the valve to its original filter position.


  1. Least Expensive
  2. Simple to upgrade
  3. Easy to Maintain


  1. Constant backwashing can imbalance the chemical level of water
  2. Needs a sand change every 5-8 years
  3. It doesn’t filter the smallest particles like a cartridge filter

Cartridge Filter

A cartridge filter is one of the effective filtration devices to filter pool water. Cartridge filters use a replaceable, pleated fabric cartridge to trap wastes and contaminants.

There are two types of cartridge filters to clean your pool water:

  • Surface filters
  • Depth filters

a ) Surface Filters

Surface filters are the type of filtration system used to capture dirt particles on the surface of the filter. These filters restrict particles on the surface through its thin layers.

How Surface Filters Function:

Surface filters work by allowing water to pass through a porous material. The material may be a fine mesh, fabric, or a thin membrane with tiny openings.

As the water passes through, particles larger than the pore size of the filter are blocked and piled up on the surface of the filter. The trapped contaminants can be washed off from time to time or increased until the filter is replaced.

Surface filters are cheaper than depth filters and have a short shelf life.

b) Depth Filters

Depth filters trap all the dirt elements throughout the entire depth of the filter material, not just on its surface.

These types of filters have multiple layers of filtration media, with different pore sizes. The outer layers capture bigger particles because of larger pores, whereas the inner layers smaller particles because of smaller pores. One of the greatest advantages of a depth filter is that it can hold a large amount of dirt.

These filters last long, filtering performance is great and remove effectively both fine and coarse particles.

Pros of Cartridge Filter

  1. Remove smaller particles easily as compared to sand filters
  2. It uses lower pressure, so low power consumption
  3. Less impact on water chemistry
  4. No backwashing. Easy maintenance schedule.

Cons of Cartridge Filter

  1. Expensive to purchase and maintenance costs are also higher.
  2. Not suitable for larger commercial pools
  3. Need to replace cartridges every 2-4 years
  4. Need to open filter and wash cartridges

Diatomaceous Earth Filter

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) filters are best for removing tiny particles, 1-5 microns, and other contaminants. Diatomaceous earth is a siliceous depository rock that is easily broken into a fine white powder.

How does a diatomaceous earth filter work?

The diatomaceous earth powder is overlayed onto a filter grid within the filter system. Pool water is passed through the diatomaceous earth-coated grid. The fine pores of the diatomaceous earth hold the particles and allow clean water to pass through. Most swimming pool owners use DE filters to get clear water compared to sand and cartridge filters.


  • DE filters capture small particles ensuring clean and bacteria-free water.


  • The maintenance costs of DE filters are higher than other types of filters.
  • Inhalation of DE dust is harmful. Extra care needs to be taken while handling DE filters.

Which type of pool filter is best?

DE filter is the best because it can catch particles smaller than 5 microns. These types of filters keep your pool water transparent and hygienic. But from the maintenance point of view, they are expensive.

So, it depends on you which one you should buy. There are other filters like sand and cartridge filters. Sand filter is the most inexpensive filter. The cartridge filter is less expensive than the DE filter. Depending on the water quality, filter capability and affordability, choose your pool filter options.


Waterpool filters are the key parts of a pool filtration system. Whether you have an in-house pool, backyard pool or a commercial pool, you need a good filter to keep your pool clean and safe. We discussed three reliable filters and their pros and cons. Just go through them and select the best one for your pool water.

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